Zingaspray offers the film galvanising system ZINGA in an aerosol spray for easy small applications. ZINGA contains 96% Zinc in the dry film and provides cathodic protection to ferrous metals. Zingaspray is ideal for the repairing and touching-up of damaged or old hot-dipped, Zinganised or other zinc coated structures.


1597994885wpdm_TDS Zingaspray FR v3.pdf  Download  
TDS Zingaspray PT v3.pdf  Download  
TDS Zingaspray NL v3.pdf  Download  
TDS Zingaspray ES v3.pdf  Download  
TDS Zingaspray ENG v3.pdf  Download  
TDS Zingaspray ES  Download  
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Create Date3 April 2015
Last Updated21 August 2020